HPCC Systems - Future development

Find out what's coming in future releases

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How our community contributes to the future of HPCC Systems

Our growing community provides us with ideas and contributions in many different ways:

  • Questions, tips and tricks posted in our Developer Forum. We encourage users to contribute code that may help others complete similar tasks and work with users to find solutions for issues and challenges we can add as new new features, enhancements and fixes.

  • JIRA issues - Making direct requests helps us to be aware of how our users are using HPCC Systems and flag issues and features they and others may need in the future.

  • Partner Program - Our partners work with other community users to find solutions to their challenges and feedback requirements to be included in our future development plans. 

  • Academic Program - We work with a number of universities in the USA and UK who use HPCC Systems as part of their research projects. They contribute to our knowledge base of how users may want to resolve their big data challenges in the future, providing us with a valuable insight into what the future may hold for data science.

  • HPCC Systems Intern Program - A small number of students join the team over the summer months to work on projects to extend their knowledge and contribute new features to HPCC Systems. Their projects are quite specific, chosen by them to fit their interests and aspirations. Some projects are suggested by the students themselves.  

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